One Klosjes …

… block was all I got done last week.  I’m thinking now that I will finish making the ones I’ve got prepped, then assess and decide whether to make a wall hanging from those or if I’ll keep making them.

The back:

The weekend was productive as I got the next 4 Alabama Beauty blocks stitched into a row, and that row joined to the first 4 rows.  I’ll post a picture as soon as we can get one out on the roof garden on a dry, non-windy day.  Sunday  night I selected the fabrics for the next row of the blocks..

Exciting news to me is that there’s going to be an Inklingo Pickle Dish collection.  One of my quilting goals is to have a red and white quilt and I’m playing with the idea of making a red and white Pickle Dish.   More wonderful curved piecing.  I can’t wait!  Linda announced it here, on her blog, on Sunday.

We were playing with the macro setting on the camera and took this shot of the condensation bubbles on a coffee cup.  For some reason, this shot just fascinates me.

It was a rainy overcast weekend.  Sunday afternoon two robins were sitting on the tree branch right in front of the living room window.  I knew we had some robins out on the roof garden as I’ve heard them, but hadn’t seen them until Sunday.  I wasn’t quick enough to get a photo of them.

The cats got in some serious relaxation time.  Smudge in one of his endless upside down poses.

While Lester was a bit more alert, but only momentarily.

8 thoughts on “One Klosjes …

  1. What a cute Klosje, i love that rusty fabric… and every single one counts!
    I can’t wait to see more of your AB’s, you are really on a roll!
    Oh, Cathy, a red&white Pickle-dish sounds like a dream… I can’t wait to see how it will come together…
    cuddle those kitties for me!


  2. Red and white Pickle Dish blocks would make a very interesting quilt! We had a rainy overcast weekend too. That’s a very interesting photo of the cup, isn’t it? and the kitties look gorgeous as usual, they always do!


  3. Pretty pailey fabric! I love paisley! Not as much as TOILE though! Have I told you lately how much I ADORE your toile sofa?!?!!? I could just snuggle on it forever….

    You could take that photo of the beads of condensation and narrow it down to just the beads and have it made into fabric and put a creamy, antique color to it and voila! a great background fabric! 🙂 Yes, you can do this now! It was on the Alex Anderson QUILT SHOW w/Ricky Tims. Well, on the email I get for updates. IT’s a company, I’m sure you can find it on google… I think it ranges about 10-12.00/yd. cool, huh!?!?
    I want to design fabrics one day!

    gorgeous kitties. and I love the photo of Lester today. SO REGAL! gosh, look at those eyes and the poise of his head!
    Have a great day!


  4. Cathi—
    must admit to an actual physical reaction to Lester. The picture today made my hand twitch I wanted to pat his tummy so badly. (You do nice quilts too)


  5. Love the coffee cup photo! And, great klosjes! I only made three this past week. I started to press my spools the same way as you, which is my normal way of pressing, but decided I wanted to do my quilting on the background fabric, around the spools, so I had to press everything into the spool. I was surprised how flat it lay this way.


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